backpack foods and meals

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Items are categorized, so check the five different groups.

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Showing Breakfast Items     Add

Show: Breakfast Items     Trail Lunch Items     Dinner Items     Drink Items     Snack Items
Bagels0/48/10245 98 / 3.5 1
Bannock Mix25/10/0320 100 / 3.57 2
Clif Bar5/45/9240 68 / 2.43 1
Clif Bar5/45/9240 68 / 2.43 1
Dried Bananas5/25/1100 57 / 2.04 2.5
Dried Fruits0/23/0102 28.4 / 1.01 0.01
Dried Strawberries5/24/2100 28.3 / 1.01 2.5
Granola6/38/5200 50 / 1.79 16
Instant Grits15/21/2100 28 / 1 1
Instant Oatmeal3/32/4160 43 / 1.54 1
Milk, powdered skim0/12/880 23 / 0.82 32
Mountain House -  biscuits & gravy14/36/8310 70 / 2.5 2
Mountain House - Breakfast Skillet27/32/17440 89 / 3.18 1
Nutrigrain Bar3/24/2120 37 / 1.32 1
Nutrigrain bar3/24/2120 37 / 1.32 1
PopTart5/37/3200 52 / 1.86 8
Quick Cooking Steel Cut Oats0/25/4140 36 / 1.29 17

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